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January 2017 Translatable version




Happy New Year


  1. In keeping with the characteristics of the month our theme for January is “Wintery Weather”. We shall be talking about and observing the various types of weather in winter, including ice, fog, snow, frost etc. We will be exploring concepts such as freezing, precipitation, melting and investigating wind forces. We will even be making a wind tunnel! The children will also be encouraged to think about birds that visit the garden and how we can help them during the winter.

We will be using ‘Frozen’ as a theme- If you have Frozen mini figures etc that we could borrow it would be much appreciated. Also we wil be using large frozen ice blocks - if you would have room at home in your freezer to make some of these would you speak to Mrs Symington/Mrs McGowan

Colours for the month will be black and white. In association with this we are having a “black and white day” on Friday 20th January when we hope the children will wear some black and white clothing if at all possible. (Usual activities will still take place, so make sure items are suitable for a Nursery day.)


  1. All the children are coping very well putting on their outdoor coats unaided. We are currently encouraging them to zip or button up coats themselves. Some are already quite adept at this and helping others master the skill. Please support your child’s efforts at home and school to encourage independence.


  1. Now that the weather is colder the children will need a hat and gloves for outdoor play- we have storage pouches to keep a set in school should you wish to send in hat and mittens for your child. Please label each item clearly.



  1. The children will enjoy a performance by Mr Hullaballoo on Friday 13th January



  1. The children in Nursery 1 will be role playing in our Ravenscroft Accessories Shop, and X factor stage this month – we would be grateful for any donations of old jewellery, scarves, bags, popstar outfits, musical instruments etc if you have any, thanks J Nursery 2 will role play in our Builders Yard and Hospital


  1. Don’t forget, parents coffee mornings run throughout the year and will take place on Tuesday mornings, beginning 10/01/17. It’s a great opportunity to meet other parents and have a chat! Januarys dates are Tuesday 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st, and Februarys dates are 7th, 21st and 28th



  1. Story Sacks

Please see your child’s teacher if you wish to sign up to receive a story sack each week.



  1. Time to Talk

Our ‘Time to Talk’ language Programme will continue throughout January. Keep an eye on the classroom notice boards for the updates on themes covered. We will be having a workshop for parents on our ‘Time to Talk’ programme on Thursday 12th January after 9am drop off.


  1. Getting Ready to Learn

This January we will be launching our ‘Getting Ready to Learn’ programme. The ‘Big Book Read’ is the first part of the programme and we will be sending home bedtime books for you to share with your child later in the month- more details to follow.


  1. As part of our Eco Schools Project, we will be making bird feeders. We will ask for donations of bread, seeds and nuts later in the month. We are also recycling old Christmas Cards/stamps and batteries.


  1. School Meals Price Increase

We have received notification from the Education Authority that as of 1st January 2017 the price ofnursery school meals is to increase from £2.40 to £2.45. From next week, will you please send £12.25 for 5 days school dinners and £4.00 for school fund- Total: £16.25


  1. You will all need to obtain an application form for your child for a place at the Primary School of your choice. This form will need to be submitted to the first choice school before 11th January. Application forms are available from any primary school.

Applications are also being taken for places in Nursery for children starting in September 2017 Any child who will be 3 years old before 1st July 2013 will be eligible for a place so if you know of anyone with a child of this age, please tell them that forms are available from Ravenscroft Nursery. The closing date for Nursery applications is also 11th January at 12 noon.



A Big Thankyou for clothes donated for our ‘Cash for Clobber’ campaign.

We raised £51.66 for school funds.


We were delighted at how well the children performed at our Connswater Christmas Sing-a-long. We raised £97.78 for school funds. Thank you for coming along to support our Nursery School.

