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May 2016 Newsletter




May 2016 Newsletter


Dates for your diary

Monday 2nd May

School is closed today for Bank holiday

Tuesday 3rd May

‘Grandparents day’ 11.30-1.30pm

Thursday 5th May

Coffee with Siobhan to discuss ideas for menu for Healthy Eating demo

Tuesday 10th May

Healthy eating Cooking demo at

Walkway Centre for parents 9.30am

Tuesday 10th May

Parents Art with our resident artist Rebekah.

Friday 20th May

Superhero/Princess day organised by PTA- £1 donation

Tuesday 24th May

New Parents Open Night 7.30pm

Thursday 26th May

PTA fun day at Avoniel Leisure Centre

Monday 30th May

School is closed for Bank holiday


Early Morning Drop Off


Begins Monday 9th May at 8.30am

A letter has gone home with full details of this service

 Eco news

This month we shall closely study life cycles of frogs and butterflies. We will have caterpillars in class and closely observe the changes daily.

We will continue to observe the mini beasts in our logpile.

We shall also continue to tend to the vegetables, plants and flowers that are growing so well in our garden



We would be grateful if you could bring in sensitive wipes and antibacterial wipes, please.


Outdoor Play

Begins Monday 16th May

Drop your child to school as usual– play takes place outdoors 9-11.30am

Every warm day, please put sunscreen on your child.

Please bring in a sun hat with your child’s name on it and wear suitable shoes.  - No strappy sandals, flip flops or clogs please as they are not suitable  for

outdoor climbing, running etc. Thank you.



 Linking Generations Northern Ireland

Sponsoring our Grandparents day on Tuesday 3rd May





Grandparents Storytelling

Wednesdays throughout May are dedicated to Grandparents storytelling– we would love to have any grandparent volunteers between 10-10.30am to come and read stories to the children. Please let us know if you are interested.



Sensory Workshop

Thursday 19th May 7-8pm
