At Ravenscroft, we believe that play is educationally powerful. The staff plan to capitalise on the basic principles of play i.e. that it is concrete, active learning that is intrinsically motivating. Using their knowledge of the curriculum, of play and of the children's developmental stages, the staff plan flexibly to combine adult focused and child initiated play situations. We aim to provide for the needs of the 'whole child' i.e. intellectual, emotional, social, physical, spiritual and moral.
The planning for children's learning is closely linked to the N.Ireland pre-school curriculum. This emphasises early literacy, numeracy and the development of personal and social skills and contributes to children's knowledge, understanding and skills in other areas. It is presented within a framework of six Areas of Learning, which are broken down into a 'stepping stone' approach.
The six areas of learning are listed below and further details can be displayed by clicking on any of these six titles.