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Why Ravenscroft?




As a parent you want the very best for your child.  Choosing your child’s pre-school provision is the first important decision you will make about their educational future. By choosing Ravenscroft Nursery you will provide your child with an excellent start to their life in education.  We are a happy, supportive, stimulating, caring school where your child will flourish and grow.


In an ETI inspection in April 2018, it was reported that:

Overall findings of the inspection: 

Overall effectiveness = High level of capacity for sustained improvement

Outcomes for learners = Outstanding

Quality of provision = Outstanding

Leadership and management = Outstanding


What is nursery education?…

Nursery education is found in nursery schools or nursery units attached to primary schools.  Children aged 3-4 years attend daily. There is no daily charge, all places are free places. There is a nominal weekly charge for food and trips. Lunch is also provided and at present costs £2.40 per day, unless you are entitled to free school meals. Nursery education premises are purpose built and staffed by qualified teachers and qualified nursery assistants.  Ravenscroft got a fabulous, brand new nursery school in September 2009.  It is a state of the art school which is exceptionally well resourced. It has an extensive outdoor play area.


Why choose nursery education?


Nursery education offers children the best possible start to their educational life.  Recent research demonstrates that children receiving quality nursery education are being provided with a head start to life long learning.  In nursery schools/units teachers and nursery assistants provide a carefully planned and structured learning environment.


What does quality nursery education mean?

  • Specialist staff (qualified teachers and nursery assistants)
  • Purpose built premises and resources geared to the learning needs of young children, both inside and outdoors
  • A distinctive early childhood curriculum, based on the Department of Education guidance
  • Identification of individual strengths and any additional needs
  • Partnership with parents




What will your child learn at nursery school?


  • How to develop good relationships with other children and adults
  • Develop confidence, independence and self-discipline
  • Use their own initiative
  • Play alone or as part of a group
  • Respect others and acquire social skills
  • Experience success and enjoy the consequent satisfaction of achievement
  • Develop at their own rate through challenging progressive play
  • Express themselves and be creative through the exploration of a wide variety of materials and equipment
  • Experience the pleasure of books, stories, poetry, drama, song, movement and music
  • Experience the wonder of science and the natural world
  • The transition to Primary One will be eased due to close links with the local Primary Schools
  • Have FUN – children who are not happy will not learn effectively.


Parental involvement


At Ravenscroft Nursery School we aim to involve parents in their child’s education through close links between home and school. We recognise the importance of you, the parent, as your child’s first educator. Your opinions and views are welcomed and respected in our school and we have an open door policy to ensure you have maximum involvement in your child’s education.  Our nursery will become part of your child’s family life. 


Like you, we consider your child’s wellbeing and happiness to be our top priority.  Our staff is always available for guidance, support and information.


Contact us on

02890 471684

if you require any information or wish to arrange a visit.


We would be delighted to answer any queries.



Principal: Mrs N Symington


For a quick peep at our school, click here
