June 2016 Newsletter Translatable version
Dates for your diary
Mon 3rd June
Trip to Carrickfergus Castle
Tues 7th June
Art with Rebekkah
Wed 8th June
Family fun day 1-3pm
Free to all current pupils and their families
Face Painting, bouncy castle and other fun.
Wed 8th June
Annual Parent Meeting will be held at 3pm
Friday 10th June
‘The Big Lunch ‘& ‘Celebration of The Queens Birthday’– Please bring a picnic for yourself/anyone else attending. School Meals are providing a picnic for the children. A picnic blanket would be a good idea too. 12.30-1.30pm
Tues 14th June
Hullaballoo interactive children’s theatre
Tues 14th June
PTA Cinema Night 6-8pm– all family members are welcome. Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult as school staff will not be attending.
Family ticket is £5, including refreshments. Tickets can be bought in advance from the nursery
<font face="arial black, sans-serif">Thurs</font>30th June(Last day)
No dinners as we finish at 11.30am
Every warm day, please put
sunscreen on your child.
Please bring in a sun hat with your name on it and wear suitable shoes.
We are looking forward to visits from Noahs Ark Playgroup, Bloomfield Playgroup,
Surestart and TLC throughout the month of June.
CDs for sale £3 each.
Multiple copies may be ordered. See Mrs Wright.
Best Kept Schools
Ravenscroft Nursery School is in the final of this competition. Watch this space for news!
Eco News
We have been awarded our ECO flag for the next two years. Thanks to all children and parents who helped the school to get ready for this and the best kept schools competition.
We will be harvesting our vegetables this month. Hopefully we can eat lots of lettuces, strawberries, spring onions and maybe see a very small carrot popping it’s head out from the soil.
Thank you for returning your parental questionnaires– it has been very much appreciated.
Thank you for all your
wonderful support this year. We have had a brilliant year and have seen all the children make a lot of progress. We will miss you all!!
We have had a brilliant year and have seen all the
children make a lot of progress. We will miss you all!