Dates for your diary
Mon 29th May
School Closure
Tues 30th June
Mr Hullabaloo
Wednesday 7th June
Family fun day 1.30-3.30
£3 per child or £5 per family
Adults free
Face Painting, bouncy castle and other fun.
There will be also be an ice cream van–
Ice cream available to purchase.
*Children will finish that day at 11.30 (no lunch) to facilitate setting up for the fun day*
Wed 7th June
Annual Parent Meeting will be held at 3.30pm. Please let us know if you plan to attend.
Thursday 15th June
Zoo lab 9.15-10.15
(Rescheduled from 22nd May)
Friday 16th June
‘The Big Lunch ‘-Please bring a picnic for yourself/anyone else attending. School Meals are providing a picnic for the children. A picnic blanket would be a good idea too. 12.30-1.30pm
Fri 30th June(Last day)
No dinners as we finish at 11.30am
Please ensure you pick your child up promptly at 1.30pm Thank you.
Every warm day, please put
sunscreen on your child.
Please bring in a sun hat with your name on it and wear suitable shoes.
Sun screen
We have very kindly been given a donation of sunscreen. Each child has a bottle TO BE KEPT IN THEIR HALL CUBBY. It may then be applied to your child as they arrive to school, if needed. Parents should apply their childs sunscreen. The brand is Ladival, factor 50+
Eco News
We will be planting peas and herbs this month.
Getting Ready to Learn
Questionnaires will be going out in relation to the Getting Ready to Learn scheme. We would be really grateful if you could complete them.
Please return Getting Ready to Learn packs every MONDAY
Once a week take a peek!
Thank you for returning your parental questionnaires– it has been very much appreciated.
Thank you for all your
wonderful support this year. We have had a brilliant year and have seen all the children make a lot of progress. We will miss you all!!
We have had a brilliant year and have seen all the
children make a lot of progress. We will miss you all!